- Strategy through Personal Values – A Behavioural Approach. S. Lichtenstein and M. Higgs, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2022.
- “This above all: To thine own self be true”, in Koonce, R., Vogel, B. and Robinson P. (Ed) In Developing Leaders for Positive Organizing : A 21st Century Repertoire for Leading in Extraordinary Times. Emerald Group Publishing, May, pp. 403-416. E. Watton and S. Lichtenstein, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.
- “Leadership for Sustainability”, in Association for British Psychology (Ed.) Business Psychology in Action: Creating Flourishing Organisations through Evidence-Based and Emerging Practices. S. Lichtenstein and P, Aitken. Association for British Psychology, 2015.
- “Integrity in the Boardroom: A Case for Further Research”. In A. Brink (Ed.) Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 39, pp 307-326. S. Lichtenstein, L. Higgins and P. Dade. Netherlands: Springer, 2011.
- From Recession to Recovery: A Leadership Guide for Good and Bad Times. Osney Media Publishing. S. Lichtenstein, M. Higgs and R. Martin-Fagg, 2009.
- “The Value-based Approach to Strategy”. In T. Garrison (Eds.), Strategy Dynamics, S. Lichtenstein, 2001.
- Adam Smith Revisited: Moral Leadership for Global Recovery and Restoration. Integral Leadership Review. March 2022. (Aitken, P., Villoslada, P., Lichtenstein, S. and de Lecea, L.)
- The Role of Values in Leadership: How Leaders’ Values Shape Value Creation. Integral Leadership Journal. (Lichtenstein, S. January 2012)
- Is Personality from Mars and Values from Venus? Talent Engagement Review, Spring, 2011 (S. Lichtenstein and M. Higgs)
- Exploiting the Strategic Power of Supply Management: Options for Creating Business-Wide Strategic Alignment. DILForientering (Danish Purchasing Institute) Magazine, August 2009. (M. Day and S. Lichtenstein)
- The Language of Leadership. Talent Management Review, Fall, 2008 (S. Lichtenstein)
- Strategic leadership in practice: An exploration of personal values-guided social entrepreneurship in the US energy sector. Sussex: British Academy of Management (Lichtenstein, S., Fenn, P., Kah, S., 2023)
- The Role of board of directors’ in shaping organizations’ CR agenda: The importance of personal values. On-line: Euram (Chow, C., Lichtenstein, S. and Klakurka, J., 2020).
- Critics and Crusaders 30 years on: Is Workplace Spirituality Inherently ‘Good’? On-line: British Academy of Management. (Brown, Palframan and Lichtenstein, 2020).
- How experiential learning can develop leadership capability in humanitarian leaders. Cairns: ANZAM. (Watton, E., Bell, V. and Lichtenstein. S, 2019.)
- Aligning personal values at work: The development of a conceptual framework. Dublin, IRE: Irish Academy of Management. (J. Palframan and S. Lichtenstein, 2019)
- Bringing sense making and institutions into organisational CSR practices through mechanisms. Univ. of Aston, UK: British Academy of Management. (H. Gulshan, A. Psychogios and S. Lichtenstein, 2019)
- Making sense of CSR in a fragmented institutional context. BAM: HR Conference. (H. Gulshan, A. Psychogios and S. Lichtenstein, 2019)
- Strategic planning activity, middle manager divergent thinking, external stakeholder salience, and organisational performance: A study of English and Welsh police force. Bristol, UK: British Academy of Management (G. Elliot, M. Day and S. Lichtenstein, 2018)
- Does Supply Management Capability Vary by Strategic Orientation? Seattle, USA: POMS 28th Annual Conference. (M. Day, S. Lichtenstein and P. Samuel, 2017)
- True colours: why personal values win out over organisational values when we face ethical dilemmas.” Brisbane, Australia: ANZAM. (S. Lichtenstein, E. Watton and K. Parry, 2016)
- The Direct and Interaction Effects of Supply Management Capability, Strategic Orientation and their Impact on Performance. Newcastle, UK: British Academy of Management. (M. Day, S. Lichtenstein and P. Samuel, 2016).
- Not ‘Turning A Blind Eye’: A Leadership Skill to Reconcile Ethical Dilemmas. Ashridge, UK: Developing Leadership Capacity Conference. (K. Parry, E. Watton and S. Lichtenstein, 2016)
- The Values Challenge for Developing Ethical Leadership: Research and Practice Agenda for Values-Based Leadership. Russia: Perm State University. (on-line) 18th International young scholar’s Conference "Human in the World. The World in Human: Actual issues of Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science and Psychology" (S. Lichtenstein, P. Aitken, 2015)
- Does Strategic Leadership Vary by Individual Values? Galway, IRE: Irish Academy of Management (S. Lichtenstein, M. Higgs and P. Samuel, 2015)
- Can Employee Values Predict Work Behaviour? Portsmouth, UK: British Academy of Management. (S. Lichtenstein, M. Higgs and P. Samuel, 2015).
- Personal values systems and their potential link to diverse leadership purposes: from obscurity to efficacy in leadership development. Henley on Thames, UK: 7th Developing Leadership Capacity Conference (S. Lichtenstein, P. Aitken, K. Parry, 2015)
- The Values Challenge for Developing Ethical Leadership: Research and Practice Agenda for Values-Based Leadership. Lancaster, UK: 6th Developing Leadership Capacity Conference. (S Lichtenstein, S. and P. Aitken, 2014)
- Do Individual Values Priorities Predict Intensions to Behave at Work? Limerick, IRE: Irish Academy of Management Conference. (M. Higgs, S. Lichtenstein and P. Samuel, 2014).
- The Alignment of Supply Management Operational Capability, Strategic Orientation and their Impact on Performance. Liverpool, UK: British Academy of Management. (M. Day, S. Lichtenstein and P. Samuel, 2013).
- The Direct and Interaction Effects of Supply Management Operational Capability, Strategic Orientation and their Impact on Performance. Waterford, IRE: Irish Academy of Management. Winner of Best Paper Award. (S. Lichtenstein, M. Day, and P. Samuel, 2013).
- The Nature of Supply Management Operational Capability and its Impact on Firm Performance. Cardiff, UK: British Academy of Management. Winner of Best Paper Award. (M. Day, S. Lichtenstein, and P. Samuel, 2012).
- Integrity: A Case for Further Boardroom Research. Birmingham, UK: 9th International Conference on Corporate Governance. (S. Lichtenstein, L. Higgins and P. Dade, 2011)
- Do Executives’ Values Matter? An Empirical Study of Executive Values, Organisational Goals, Strategic Orientation and their Impact on Organisational Performance. Sheffield, UK: British Academy of Management (S. Lichtenstein, M. Higgs and P. Samuels, 2010)
- An Exploration of the Relationships between Individual Values and Emotional Intelligence. Cork, IRE: Irish Academy of Management (M. Higgs and S. Lichtenstein, 2010)
- “Developing a Co-constructed Auto-ethnographic Approach to Understand Personal Values-Guided Social Entrepreneurship”. CAFÉ Working paper series, #23. September, 2023. (Lichtenstein, S., Fenn, P., and Kah, S.
- Strategic planning activity, middle manager divergent thinking, external stakeholder salience, and organisational performance: A study of English and Welsh police force. 2019. Public Management Review (3*) Jul 18:pp. 1-22. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2019.1635194. (G. Elliot, M. Day and S. Lichtenstein)
- ‘Won't get fooled again’: How personal values shape leadership purpose, behavior and legacy. 2019. Journal of Management & Organization. (2*) 2019.1-16. Doi:10.1017/jmo.2019.19. (Watton, E., Lichtenstein, S., & Aitken, P.)
- Personal values at work: a mixed-methods study of executives’ strategic decision-making”. 2017. Journal of General Management. (2*) 43, (1), pp. 15-23. Doi:10.1177/0306307017719702. (S. Lichtenstein, G. Lichtenstein and M. Higgs)
- Supply management capabilities, routine bundles and their impact on firm performance. 2015. International Journal of Production Economics. (3*) Volume 164, June. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.02.023. (M. Day, S. Lichtenstein and P. Samuel).
- “CSR Nexus of the Ghanaian Construction Industry: Analysis of Project Typologies and Barriers”. 2013. Journal of Engineering Design and Technology. Vol. 11, No. 1. Badu, E., Owusu-Manu, D.J., Edwards, D.J., Holt, G.D. and Lichtenstein, S.
- “Rural Infrastructure Development in the Volta Region of Ghana: Barriers and Interventions.” 2012. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction. Vol 18, 2. Edwards, D.J., Holt, G.D. and Lichtenstein, S.
- “Is there A Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Individual Values? An Exploratory Study”. 2011. Journal of General Management. Vol. 37, No. 1, Autumn, pp. 65-79. M. Higgs and S. Lichtenstein.
- “Exploring the ‘Jingle Fallacy’: A Study of Personality and Values”. 2010. Journal of General Management, Vol. 36, Issue 1, Autumn, pp. 43-61. M. Higgs and S. Lichtenstein.
- “Engaging the Board: Integrity, Values and the Board Agenda”. 2007. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 79-98. S. Lichtenstein, P. Dade.
- “The Shareholder Value Chain: Values, Vision and Shareholder Value”. 2007. Journal of General Management. Vol. 33, Issue 1, Autumn, pp. 15-31. S. Lichtenstein, P. Dade.
- “Changing Societal and Executives’ Values: Their Impact on Corporate Governance.” 2007. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 179-203. S. Lichtenstein, P. Dade.
- “Strategic Supply Management: The Relationship between Supply Management Practices, Strategic Orientation and Their Impact on Organisational Performance.” 2007. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 12, Issue 6, pp. 313-321. M. Day and S. Lichtenstein

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